Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 2

When I left work yesterday... my legs where like Jello! All from 12 flights of stairs! It was so pathetic, I had to laugh. But the victory will be that much sweeter when I make it to the top with energy to spare.

Last night, I was talking to a friend about swimming. She encouraged me up and down that swimming was such GREAT exercise for women who want lean toned muscles, to burn fat (That's ME!) all the while being gentle on myself. I was so happy to hear swimming and not, RUNNING. I only run for 2 reasons. A) If someone is chasing me with a knife or 2) the buffet line's about to close! She also said that running isn't really that good for women cause of all the bouncing around of boobs and uterus. She didn't have to explain anymore. I'm not a runner and its OK that I'm not!

So this morning, at 5:30am when my all-of-a-sudden natural alarm clock went off, I looked out at the cloudy overcast cold sky and said... "you've got to be kidding me," and I rolled over and went back to bed. At 6:17 I woke up again, and thought, I'm just gonna put on my bathing suit and walk down to the pool. If I never make it in, I made baby steps to getting there.

The cold June air hit my body and I curled the blanket around me tighter until I decided to stop being a wimp. I was surprised just how NOT cold the water was. Very manageable. So with big steps, I walked into the pool and quickly got under.

I bounced around for a good 22 minutes before I was done, making sure that I was really trying to move my arms and legs. It was really awesome way to start my morning, and had plenty of time to get ready.

So today's swimming challenge was a success!

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