Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 37

Well, today we had an extra friend working out with us! Kinda like when your neighbor's niece spends a week during the summer and there is a new kid on the block to play with! Bryan's own trainer is away this week so he joined our little "play" group.

As we were dragging our feet to the stairs, we attracted the attention of our Russian producer Sebastian who thought we were the funniest things, getting ready to run up and down 5 flights of stairs 7 times.

Now, Sebastian, is... the tallest man in the world. I'm convinced of it! He towers over me, and would make my 6'2 husband Brian look like a munchkin who belongs in Oz. Sebastian wanted to play too! So he put down the bag of bananas he was holding (which I could only imagine was his little afterwork snack, cause when you're THAT tall, I'm thinking just one banana won't do!) and started running up and down the stairs with us having fun as boys do when they compete.

His legs are so long that he would put a daddy long leg spider to shame. He was taking the steps 3-4 at a time. He eventually passed Byran and Kazeem.

When we were done with the steps he shouts "That was a fun warm up. Now, we run?" HA! someone should have kicked him in the shins.

I couldn't help but stand next to him to measure just how tall he is. His waist comes up right under my boobs. Below is a sketch of the highlights of the "warm up."


Sebastian went on home, and we continued on to our upper body circuit training. I HATE upper body exercises... pretty much cause I have ZERO upper body strength! But little by slowly, I'm seeing the tiniest of changes!

It was fun to have 3 people working out, but the perfectionist in me struggles to keep up with "the boys" who can lift more, run more, and withstand more. I kinda felt like the inside of an Oreo cookie.

Erika told me "Petunia, you can't compare yourself and your progress to other people. You can only compare it to yourself..." She doesn't know how true this rings and far beyond just exercising! I have a tendency of being hard on myself, but Erika always re-assures me that I'm doing great.

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