Ok. I'm back. No more vacations in the horizon. Back to work. And back to training.
I don't wanna say that in my absence, I have been sitting on my butt, but I was not working a regimented work out schedule.
I did do a few cool hikes. Nothing HUGE. But its a start in my eyes.
My first hike was really only about 3/4 mile round trip... but to give myself some credit, it was in Death Valley in near 97 degree temperatures. I can't believe how much water I consumed in just a short amount of time!
One difference I can see is that my recovery time is really fast. My heart still races the minute I even look at a hill, but after a few short breaths, I'm ready to continue up.
This is the Natural Bridge at Death Valley.
I hate hiking. I think about a hill and I lose breath. Then I fall back on my butt and all is well with the world again.