Monday, April 4, 2011

100 days to go!

I remember when I hit that milestone for my wedding! This is so much tougher!

My friend Jessi organized a hike yesterday in the Santa Monica mountains. She described it as the Boney Mountain trail, but that is NOT the trail we took. The only problem is... I have no idea WHAT trail we took. And google maps isn't too good cause there are thousands of trails in the Santa Monica Mountains.... DSC_0317

I'm only curious to know... how far we hiked. The elevation gain... and the "level of difficulty"... just so I can gage where I'm at.

But we started at 10:15 and ended around 1:30 pm. We even stopped for lunch for 15 minutes or so.

This hike was really neat. Very up and down, which my thighs, calves and ass appreciated. Its amazing how when I'm going up and up and up for so long... heart POUNDING... just knowing that at some point, you'll be going down down down. But when that time comes, my poor little toes feel all crushed and that's when the thighs and knees feel the pain. 136 pounds of weight pounding on my joints... I would relish in the moments of hills again. I can never be pleased!

I don't know where I'm at in training, but I can say... I need more. But I'll nice to myself. Here are some photos from the hike. Half of the hike, we were walking through clouds. It was really cool.

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