Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 34

No, no, your calendar is not wrong, its Friday and I have indeed missed a blog yesterday!

I've been quite busy with life and all, but have still be reading up on my hike. This week was a bit of a light workout, no doubt Erika will break me physically tomorrow (I need it).

I've been reading about things I should take on the hike in terms of supplies...

There are apparently 2 schools of thought for well experienced Half Dome hikers when it comes to water... whether you should bring all your water with you (which is what I was thinking about doing) or to fill up at a few designated spots, using a few various filtration systems or tablets to rid the water of bacteria... decisions decisions.

I was also learning a little bit about giardia, which sounds gross and horrible, and its something most commonly found in the water in Yosemite. More on that one at a later date but all you need to know right now is here are a few symptoms according to google health: Abdominal pain, Diarrhea, Gas or bloating, Headache, Loss of appetite, Low-grade fever, Nausea, Swollen or distended abdomen, Vomiting). Loss of appetite??? Giardia has never met ME!

I remember when my friend's dogs had it, and she had to follow the pups around with a bleach and water solution and every time she picked up the poops, like the responsible dog owner she is, she's spray "the spot" with the solution! Now I have visions of carrying out a spray bottle... lord!

I hate the thought of adding more weight to my already gonna suck pack, since I'm a bit of a ... pack rat, and will be carrying my camera and at least 2 lens... Below is my camera body and everyday lens I affectionally call "The Beast".


The book I'm reading says to "get serious about the hike 2 months before" so, right now, I'm ahead of the game! I'm hoping that I'll just factor in the weight of the camera (and supplies). I do usually pack and haul like a mule, why should an 18 mile hike to Half Dome be any different?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 32

WOW! What a work out. Last night, I had the pleasure of working out with Kazeem which made me be on my best behavior! Nothing like making horrible painful grunting ugly face pains in front of a boy co-worker!

Erika explained how we were gonna be "warming up" today, which was the stairs to the parking garage here at the lot... 5 flights of stairs...

#1 Walk up all the stairs and back down.
#2 Walk up every other step and back down.
#3 Run up every step and back down.
#4 Run up every other step and back down.
#5 Run up every step and back down.
#6 Walk up every other step and back down.
#7 Walk up all the stairs and back down.

I tried to draw a picture, but, it was really terrible! I really thought Erika had lost her mind thinking that I was gonna be able to do this, but I really surprised myself! I, not to give myself too much credit, rocked that exercise!

And we did tons of arm exercises last night too, definitely my weakness, and that's when I really tried to keep my facial expressions at may when the burning in your arms makes ya wanna collapse!

Next... abs... I still get disappointed at how strong my stomach used to be (alas, never skinny enough to rock a bikini) but I had the strength. I year post ab surgery, I'm still trying reclaim said strength.

Erika THOUGHT that she made up the following routine, but Kazeem said he did them before... it was a funny moment. She calls it "climbing the rope." Notice my amazing drawing. And we did 25 of them!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 31

My morning of reprieve is only morning long... my training is post-poned until after work... starting at 7 Pm. I'll be interested to see what type of energy I'll be bringing to the table!

I feel like... I'm standing taller... straighter... if that makes any sense. I noticed it yesterday as I was walking down the hallway. I'm not sure if its all in my head, or an actuality, but it really feels nice! Perhaps even my posture improving. As much as I do hate to exercise, I have been really ready to get going. I'm trying to surround myself with positive energy and thoughts (I'm using all the help I can get!)

I'm pretty sore, only doing 4 sets of stairs yesterday, and wondering how Erika might kill us tonight. I guess I'll be sleeping well no matter what!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 30 1/2

My lunch break goes as follows:

2 sets of stairs, gasping for breath. (15 minutes)
Writing in my journal while trying to catch my breath. (15 minutes)
Reading a chapter from my book. (15 minutes)
2 MORE sets of stairs, returning to my desk gasping for breathe, red in the face, with beads of sweat beginning to fall down my forehead...

Only to find this...


... from Chipotle... CHIPOTLE!

Its getting a lot easier to resister delicious treats like chips and salsa when you legs are still aching from your workout 2 days ago!

Erika just told me to take it easy cause we'll be doing stairs tomorrow... oh decisions, decisions.

Day 30

Quick easy equation...


So, I thought that a quick go to protein RIGHT before my workout, like a piece or 2 of cheese was a good idea... NOT SO MUCH.

On my 1 lap, I was GREAT!. First set of circuits, fantastic. But it wasn't until Erika told us to do an "easy lap" (like there is such thing) across the field and back, did the pain in my stomach followed by the lightheadedness and nausea start to act up. I had to take 3 LONG rests and even got exempt from more up and down exercises.

I kinda felt crappy thinking that I didn't work out as hard as I could of... but it turns out, I'm really still sore! And I can feel my thighs getting stronger and firmer! Erika even said that my times are shrinking and I'm taking shorter smaller breaks during my laps. YAY

So today's commitment is... 7 sets of stairs. I guess my goal for the next few weeks is to increase the # of sets by one each week. We'll see! I better get started! I have 7 sets to do!

Friday, July 23, 2010


Need a break?

Hit up the National Geographic website below and do a quick puzzle of its truly, HD!

(I wish you could see the photo on the blog)

You can customize the setting to suit your challenge level!

Day 27 - Taking Measurements

So, I guess another way for me to keep track of... all things HD is to take some measurements to encourage my progress.

I found this stuff to help. I'll post those numbers once I take them. And maybe I'll play those numbers in the lotto. Why else expose such vulnerability to all to see?

  • Bust: Measure around the chest right at the nipple line, but don't pull the tape too tight.
  • Chest: Measure just under your bust
  • Waist: Measure a half-inch above your belly button or at the smallest part of your waist
  • Hips: Place tape measure around the biggest part of your hips
  • Thighs: Measure around the biggest part of each thigh
  • Calves: Measure around the largest part of each calf
  • Upper arm: Measure around the largest part of each arm above the elbow
  • Forearm: Measure around the largest part of the arm below the elbow.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 26

Today, I'm physically resting my body. I just have to not to get burned out.

But I did buy this book.


Its written by Rick Deutsch and he has a blog that I am subscribed to. I have posted about this book when I bought it, but it came and I'm slowly getting through it! Not that its a hard read. Very straight forward and filled with experience.

On a completely unrelated topic, I love this youtube link. It makes me think of pure love.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 25 update

Ok, just finished my 6 flights.

I have been keeping Erika abreast of the situation for no real good reason other than to complain and look for pats on the head... which she is AWESOME at giving me. See below my last chat message with her:

Me: (just did #6) don't know why but NOW I broke a sweat.
Erika: b/c u were beasting it

Did you hear that ??? I'm BEASTING IT!

Everytime I have doubts, I am re-assured and horrified with videos like this next one.

And I am amazed that I have acquired another public Follower in just under 24 hours!

Thanks #7!!!

Day 25

So... its hurts when I laugh... in my BACK! Is that normal? Oh, who knows.

I ate one 1"x 1" brownie bite yesterday, fully intending on finishing the last piece of tiramisu cake last night which is surprisingly still moist, BUT, I fell asleep really early before I had a chance. When I woke up this morning, I was thinking "Why was I so tired last night?" Then the realization dawned on me... the RUNNING!

I physically could NOT commit to my 6 set of stairs yesterday, only getting up 1 time (not to mention the 5 flights up to my car), but today is a new day. I have 1 set already under my belt!

Erika mentioned wanting to "measure me." I'm horrified and thrilled all at the same time!

And a shout out to our NEWEST follower "Follower #6" WOO HOOO. Thanks guys for following along publicly! You all keep me moving!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 24 update

My friend Shannon brought these in to celebrate our co-worker's birthday...

Can you say "HELLS NO!"


In case you're wondering... I did NOT eat that missing donut!

Day 24

oh my god... I don't know where to start...

I think Erika must have heard my inner complaints that my thighs are too big and are rubbing together... I'm convinced we ran all the way to Vegas...

We did a new running routine called "Xs" See the diagram below, and please note the drawing to the right where after just 1/2 of the first leg of the repetition, I slipped in the mud and fell on my face...

Then, after each circuit rep, we ended with a jog across the field and back. That was 4 times (if I'm counting correctly, I think my body is trying to block it out).

The field was so wet and muddy that when we were done with the ab portion (thus, finishing up the actual hour of working out) it looked like i had just finished up with a mud wrestling match.

If EVER I had a reason to stay away from the fatty foods that I love ie. chili rellenos, pretzel/peanut m&ms or Doritoes, let this morning of running remind me that... they are JUST NOT WORTH IT!

Monday, July 19, 2010


I vowed 6 sets, I did 6 sets.

That's 42 flights of stairs! I hope to feel the burn tomorrow. But I wonder...


...if I'm huffing and puffing and my heart race is screaming, I imagine I'm burning calories. If I make it up to the top of the 6th floor and I'm ok, I guess that means that I'm progressing, but not burning calories? Today, my legs feel strong. I'll take my accomplishments where I can get them!

Above is a map of Housekeeping Camp. The red circled area is the "near the river" section that I am told where my tent and my addition tent will be located. I think. I'm very excited for the coming year of activities and training, and then week long relaxation that Yosemite has to offer!

Day 23

Mondays are always great when they represent a "Fresh Start."

I did not do as much training as I would have liked to do over the weekend. It involved fried fish and chips, but I did do a little walking on the beach.

Sunday was spent mostly as the passenger in a car, but took a few opportunities to do some stretching. Does playing with a baby Boston Terrier named Elfie count as exercising? Especially when she sits in my lap sleeping while i pet her? Maybe not. But my heart was racing... does that count?


But today is Monday, and it started with a 20 minute swim where I made sure that my heart was beating. I also swam to the 8ft deep section and ran with all my power for 30 seconds. I can't believe how tiring that is! Armed (or footed) with sandals that can handle stairs, I'm vowing to get 6 sets in today. 6 SETS.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 20

I haven't really done too much working out since Tuesday. I'm feeling kinda guilty. Paddling around in the pool isn't REALLY exercising, you know what I'm saying? Yesterday, I make 1 attempt at my 6 flights of stairs.

So I've taken the opportunity to get soooome little exercises in...

Like doing squats between scanning fully executed licenses... so far, 30!


And a shout out to my newest official follower!!!! WOO HOO! Five OFFICIAL followers!

UPDATE: make that 45!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 19


Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), also called muscle fever, is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles about 24 to 72 hours after unaccustomed and/or strenuous exercise then subsides and disappears after about five to seven days after exercise... according to wikipedia... and Erika.

But it actually feels GOOD to feel some of these muscles that I never knew existed... Or to see how holding a cup one way or another uses different back muscle!

Tuesday, while working out, there were a bunch of flying bugs that like to hover around. They are quite annoying. Very pesty. So I used this memory to dissuade myself of getting more pretzel filled M&Ms. It worked like a charm! Desire gone. Too bad that trick didn't work on Brian's left over tiramisu birthday cake.

Tiramisu cake

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 18

See all the muscles of the human back? Well every single one of these is sore... just saying. Nice workout Erika.

Notice the new Countdown tracker on the right! YAY! I love visuals!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 17

Suicide, defined by Wikipedia, ("to kill oneself") is the term used for the deliberate self-destruction of a living being, by causing their body to cease life function.

Such actions are typically characterised as being made out of despair, or attributed to some underlying mental disorder which includes depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, alcoholism and drug abuse. Financial difficulties, interpersonal relationships and other undesirable situations play a significant role. OR... when training for Half Dome.

Erika decided to bust out some cones this morning and scatter them all over the field like bread crumbs for the squirrels... ok, they were regimentally placed in a line, but when all the blood was rushing all over my body, who can keep track.

Below is an illustration of my experience... you run from the first cone to the second, then back to the first. Then from the first to the third and back to the first and continue til you get to cone 8 and then run back to one, only to run THIS time to cone 7, and back down to one. This routine, is also known as "Suicides."

Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Me, having a blast

Still excited! Like my wedding day!

Day 16

This is how I feel!

Work it out!


4th time's a charm! I got my reservations booked today for the Half Dome trip! Starting on July 13th and leaving the 20th!

I even was able to reserve 2 tents NEAR the water, we'll see how "Near" they are, and hopefully, they will be adjacent, again, we'll see.

I am so excited. Since Brian and I will only occupy 1 bed, if you are interested in going, let me know and I'll keep you informed.

I feel like booking this reservation was half as hard as making the trek up!


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Plan B

Although I truly want to stay at Housekeeping Camp, I may have to explore other options, just in case its not in the cards for me to stay there.

The reason I want to stay in the park, is because 5 out of 6 trips to yosemite, we stayed in Oakhurst, which is really nice, but the driving in and out of the park is a killer. About an hour from Yosemite Valley. And that is way too far to drive in and out on an 18 mile hike day.

I'd like to stay in the park also so that we can be apart of the park. Not dealing with parking, just taking the bus around, or renting bikes, or walking.

Curry Village does not allow cooking, so that would mean that we would have to eat all meals in the restaurants and shops.

Tent camping in one of the pines is a little too much on an air mattress for me when attempting to tackle Half Dome.

The hotels are just out of the question. So that leave a happy medium, Housekeeping, where we can cook, have a camp fire, and sleep on actual beds, with some electricity and "luxury."

Housekeeping Camp Me, Cooking

There seems to be at least 2 places that I know of where you could rent a house. This may be an option, but would require other people joining us... I have NO problem with this, but these types of commitments are hard to get from people, especially a year out. And especially when we are talking about non-Sat, Sun.

Redwoods In Yosemite
Yosemite West

I'll keep doing the footwork and see what happens.

Day 15


LA Zoo

For the last two mornings, I have woken up at 6:30 am (on my sleep in days!) to attempt to make reservations for Housekeeping Camp... with absolutely no success.

Yesterday I was on the phone for 15 minutes on hold. The woman was kinda snotty. This morning, I was attempting reservations on line and on the phone, and I had Brian on hold as well. It is completely out of my control, and its frustrating as hell. So my new plan is a) get the reservations as soon as I can b) plan accordingly. We'll see how this plan goes.

I had a killer workout yesterday with Erika and Tamara. Ran 2 laps (I even ended the jog with a smile on my face!) and a lot of cardio and circuit type stuff. I still am amazed at how such retarded looking exercises can be so tiring the day of, and so muscle aching the next day!

We were supposed to go on a hike in Griffith Park this morning, but naturally at 6:30 am people started to cancel, like flights during a snow storm in Colorado, so, back to bed I'm about to head.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 13

AHHHH I feel as lazy as this turtle!

LA Zoo

I felt great yesterday, I felt my abs, thanks to Erika and lying on the wet grass at 7:10 am on Wed morning. I had every intention of doing a couple flights of stairs at work... that didn't happen. I had every intention of swimming it out for 30 minutes in the pool last night... it was so cold that, THAT didn't happen. I had every intention of getting on the ground and doing some more ab routines... that too didn't happen.

What DID happen was that I had 1/4 of a P'zone that Brian had for lunch, and 1/2 piece of pizza... at 10 pm... BLAH.


Today is a new day though! I am full with energy and WILL climbs some steps today! And I have a full body workout session tomorrow with Erika, AND a hike at Griffith Park on Sunday.

Tomorrow, I'm also waking up at 6:30 am to MAKE my reservations for Housekeeping Camp for my 2011 trip. Once that is done, its ON!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How to Sh*t in the Woods

I received this book in yesterday's mail, completely by surprise...

How to Sht in the woods

Brian was hysterically laughing moments after opening the book up.


Its very fitting because, well, p00ping in the woods is one of my biggest fears about this hike... I mean, if I'm out for 16 hours, forced to drink and keeping nourished, I think nature will naturally be calling. The last time I had to do this, I was mortified and suffered more than the hike I was on.

Thanks Michelle for the gift. Right now, you can find it sitting on the back of the toilet!

Day 11

Today, was yet again another gloomy morning. And as my alarm clock went off for the 2nd time, alerting me to the 5:45 am hour, I rolled over to see the sleeping husband, and boy, was I jealous!

Another great workout with great company! We started off with a jog around the dirt path... 2 times this times. This is how I choose to start my day? Me? Who refuses to run unless food or weaponry are involved? But at least Erika said I did a good job. A pat on the head like a good doggy, and I was ready for the next task...

Circuit training. Besides the fact that these simple looking exercises take quite a toll on ya after just a few reps, I told Erika, who was so politely trying to fix my pose to get the positioning right, "Just man handle me" cause I could not (especially without the aid of coffee) take direction on the correct form my back and legs were supposed to be in. Ms. Erika is a lot stronger than she looks. She also yelled at me when I started to walk when I was supposed to be running. And when I say she yelled at me, she just asked me "Hey, what are you doing?", but it felt more forceful LOL.

Oh, and I pet a puppy who passed by too! Probably the highlight of my morning.

It was rainy all throughout the workout which was kinda nice cause it kept the little flying bugs from buzzing around... which did happen when it stopped... and one flew up my nose. Bugger!

Stairs later on today, when I get some feeling in my limbs from the AM workout. Managed 4 sets yesterday.

Coffee... NOW.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stairs, smairs

3 times up and 3 times down. My legs are like jello again. I'm trying to see if I can sneak another set in in the next hour and 12 minutes of work...

I'm getting pretty anxious about this whole thing. Maybe once my reservation for Housekeeping it booked, I'll feel a little bit better. I'm having all sorts of plans on my plate that I'm trying to juggle.

Tomorrow, I'll meet with Erika and my co-workers again. And Saturday we're gonna do a "total body workout". I would rather just turn in my total body for another new total body... no such luck.

Right now, my co-worker as I type this, might be looking at Half Dome... she and her family are in the high sierra's on holiday... lucky woman!

Yosemite National Park

Day 10

First of all, a big shout out to my 4 FOLLOWERS!!! who will keep me honest and keep by butt moving!!!

Yesterday, after much hesitation, I strapped on my roller blades without protection ie knee/wrist/elbow pads, but I did wear an old pair of jeans which hopefully would buffer a fall. I also had the company of Brian who helped me on rocky areas, big cracks in the road and getting up and down curbs. I roller bladed about a mile, and I was pretty impressed with how much roller blading is like "riding a bike." I hope to get out there a little more and tighten up these tree trucks I like to call "legs."

I got a bunch of swimming in over the weekend. We had the pool all to ourselves... Its amazing how many people in our building DON'T use the pool. More for me then!

In an effort to keep preparing for HD, I bought "One Best Hike: Yosemite's Half Dome" by Rick Deutsch.

Rick has climbed Half Dome 26 times in his life and has put out a big tips guide. I'm a creature who loves accessories, so I couldn't resist. Rick also has a blog out that I follow called "Mr. Half Dome's Blog."

Since its kinda gloomy today in Los Angeles, those stairs in the office are calling my name!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 8

So, I'm not as terribly sore as I thought I would be for a "48 hours after workout". Yay. Maybe that means I'm not in as worse shape as I thought???

Spent most of today prepping for our little 4th of July day BBQ tomorrow, but did make 2 trips to sporting good store...

Am I the only person looking to wear elbow/knee and wrist guards while roller blading? Cause the selection out there would lead me to this conclusion. Here I thought I was gonna find a set of purple pads, but I can't seem to find 1 knee pad that doesn't squeeze my knee fat (yup, apparently I have knee fat... kinda looks like back fat when you're sausage'd into a dress you probably aren't suited for)from hanging out... I never thought one could be self conscious about the fattiness of your knees. Who knew? Nonetheless, I'm still on patrol for some guards. It would be my stupid luck to fall my first roller out there on anything other than the carpet of my apartment.

I found these below on the internet. I might go with them. I always did love Barbie.

Tomorrow I expect to do a lot of swimming. I hope this is the case! I got to keep the body moving! Specially with all the moving my mouth is certain to be doing!

PS! And a big shout out to my 3 FOLLOWERS!!!! Thanks guys!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 7

So apparently, walking around like a crab with rubber bands around your ankles isn't a form of torture, but actually a very effective way of getting that inside thigh meat! Below is my favorite crab commercial of all time...

This morning would have been a wonderful opportunity to go for a swim and loosen out my muscles if... well... I could have gotten out of bed. But I'm hoping for tonight after work!

Tammy told me to chant to myself "Its worth it, its worth it." She's a funny little thing. But then again, she has gone down 3 bent buckles, so I'll believe her.

Ps. I have 2 official "followers" of my blog... makes me feel soooo special! Thanks 2 followers!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 6

If you saw someone this morning on the 101 with their head on the steering wheel swerving... that was probably me.

I made it to the group training session this morning with my co-workers Tammy and Heather.

I did lovely things like "prisoner squats" and was tortured by having rubber bands tied around my ankles and was instructed to walk around like a crab.

I almost started to cry by my 3rd set of 8 reps of push ups. I'm so lame. I jogged around the field 1 time and thought I saw my own life pass in front of my eyes. Next time, I think I should attached a bag of Doritos to my head, just out of reach like so. I might be able to go for days with that trick.


I was on my best behavior, so I complained very little... that will probably change.

While I was driving home, I was trying to figure out again why people put themselves through this time of pain... oh yeah, to be fit. And Half Dome. I'm visualizing my "skinny jeans" being loose on me :)