I've been quite busy with life and all, but have still be reading up on my hike. This week was a bit of a light workout, no doubt Erika will break me physically tomorrow (I need it).
I've been reading about things I should take on the hike in terms of supplies...
There are apparently 2 schools of thought for well experienced Half Dome hikers when it comes to water... whether you should bring all your water with you (which is what I was thinking about doing) or to fill up at a few designated spots, using a few various filtration systems or tablets to rid the water of bacteria... decisions decisions.
I was also learning a little bit about giardia, which sounds gross and horrible, and its something most commonly found in the water in Yosemite. More on that one at a later date but all you need to know right now is here are a few symptoms according to google health: Abdominal pain, Diarrhea, Gas or bloating, Headache, Loss of appetite, Low-grade fever, Nausea, Swollen or distended abdomen, Vomiting). Loss of appetite??? Giardia has never met ME!
I remember when my friend's dogs had it, and she had to follow the pups around with a bleach and water solution and every time she picked up the poops, like the responsible dog owner she is, she's spray "the spot" with the solution! Now I have visions of carrying out a spray bottle... lord!
I hate the thought of adding more weight to my already gonna suck pack, since I'm a bit of a ... pack rat, and will be carrying my camera and at least 2 lens... Below is my camera body and everyday lens I affectionally call "The Beast".
The book I'm reading says to "get serious about the hike 2 months before" so, right now, I'm ahead of the game! I'm hoping that I'll just factor in the weight of the camera (and supplies). I do usually pack and haul like a mule, why should an 18 mile hike to Half Dome be any different?